Clarifying is an important part of the curly hair routine. It can be a great addition to your hair regimen to improve your hair health. Sometimes not clarifying may be the main reason for not getting the result you want. If you want to know why you need to clarify regularly, we are going to talk about it in this post.
What is hair clarifying?
Clarifying is when you use a clarifying shampoo or many other home remedies to cleanse your hair and scalp. Clarifying can remove dirt and build-up from your scalp. This can make your hair easier to style and also can improve your hair health and growth. It will also help those who have weighed down hair and don’t know what to do more.
Your scalp needs cleansing
Our scalp needs cleansing just like the body. If you leave your scalp and hair without clarifying, you are only going to have oily and greasy hair and scalp. Products and environmental factors can also cause build-up which is not really good news for those who want to achieve healthy curly hair.
Clarify to make your hair color look better
As I mentioned above, build-up that is caused by products that you use and the environment is not good for your scalp and hair health. Build-ups can also make your hair and its color look dull. You can easily clarify regularly to prevent these problems and make your hair color look much better. INAHSI Soothing Mint Clarifying Shampoo, and Bounce Curl Gentle Clarifying Shampoo are two amazing products that you can use in your hair regimen.
Home remedies for clarifying your hair
Besides all the clarifying products out there, you can also use home remedies if you like. Here is a list of home remedies that you can try for removing dirt and build-up from your scalp:
The Sea Salt Scrub
- 4 tbsp of coarse sea salt
- ¼ cup of liquid Castile soap
- 1 tbsp aloe vera gel
Mix all of these ingredients and massage them into your scalp. You can let it sit for one minute and then rinse it completely. Apply your favorite conditioner to your ends.
Bentonite Clay + ACV Rinse
- Mix bentonite clay into water
- Massage into the scalp and apply to strands. You can rinse after three minutes.
- Dilute ¼ cup of Apple Cider Vinegar into water and pour over scalp
Just like the previous home remedy, you need to apply conditioner to your ends.
Clarify when products are not working
The build-up that we talked about can also affect the products’ function. Before you go out to buy new products, just use a clarifying shampoo to cleanse your scalp. Remember that you can also try the home remedies we mentioned above to clarify. You can see that your hair products will work just like before when you cleanse your scalp and hair from dirt and build-up.
Build-up will lead to more dryness
Build-up will affect the way your hair absorbs moisture and won’t allow it like before. This will lead to dryness and breakage. This is where you just need to clarify if you want to reset your scalp and hair. Just spend some time for a clarifying session to remove dirt and build-ups to solve this problem.
If you have found any method that works for your hair, feel free to share them in the comments. This can be very useful for those who have your hair type. How often do you clarify your hair? Do you use products or home remedies? Share your experience with using clarifying shampoos or any home remedies with us in the comments.